Sunday 26 January 2014


I felt right at home as soon as I got back to Edinburgh and second semester has got off to a great start.

I'm taking four courses this term: Psychology Methodology 2, Social Work, Scottish Literature and a Psychology group project. I am really enjoying the group project so far. We haven't done much yet but we've gone over what our study is about and are working on getting ethics approval this coming week. Scottish Literature is proving to be more difficult this term as we are studying literature written in medieval Scots language which is impossible to understand!

The first week back was Refresher's Week which meant I explored a bit more of Edinburgh's nightlife. On Saturday night we had a joint birthday party for Puck, Joe and Tom. It was chemistry themed as they're all in science-related majors. I went as "Ruthenium" and wore fake nerdy glasses I got from a costume shop. Amelia made a delicious chocolate cake and we all sang Happy Birthday. I really enjoyed meeting a few new people and catching up with everyone.

I'm starting to get back into the swing of things now that Refresher's Week is over. But that doesn't mean my social life has gone out of the window! Last week I went to see American Hustle at the movie theatre and on Friday we went to a concert at a club for Tom's birthday. Last night a few friends and I went to The Blind Poet for live blues/jazz music. It's a very cozy pub and the music was great so I really enjoyed myself. Now I want to learnt to play harmonica! We also hit up the student union's Library Bar.

The most exciting news I have to report is that I am going to Paris in February! I'm meeting up with Bailey, my friend and roommate from Queen's, over there and I'm really looking forward to it!

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