Sunday 9 February 2014

Superbowl & Six Nations

It's a challenge to find something to write about these days. Hopefully some of my upcoming trips will liven things up around here! Tonight I'm signing up for a trip to the Lake District on the weekend of March 1st. We'll be visiting Cockermouth, Keswick, Glenridding and Grasmere and staying overnight on Lake Windermere. We're also stopping off at Gretna Green on the way home. I will be in Paris with Bailey in exactly one week! I've been researching things that I want to see and do while I'm there so if you have any recommendations, let me know.

Some friends and I have started going to the pub quiz again. I look forward to it all week. It's been really busy lately so we have to book a table in advance. I went one week with Emma and Saiman and Saiman's friend and it was so packed we had to sit at the bar. That turned out OK though because the bar staff helped us out with some of the questions.

I went to two new pubs this week. The Peartree which is near The Blind Poet and has a great outdoor patio. I hope it warms up enough before I leave Edinburgh so I can sit outside! I also went to Finnegan's Wake in the Grassmarket. It's an Irish bar and that night they had a live band playing songs like Galway Girl and Irish Rover. People were dancing and swinging around arm in arm. It got me excited for St. Patrick's Day.

I watched the Superbowl with Shannon and Ken in the student union's Library Bar. Unfortunately the fire alarm went off part way through forcing us all to evacuate the building. After standing out in the rain for a bit we decided it wasn't worth it and went home. I was cheering for the Broncos so I was disappointed to hear that they lost so badly. I was supposed to be watching Scotland vs. England in Six Nations yesterday but I came down with a really bad cold and had to stay in bed. I kept up with the game via a live feed though. England won 20-0 so I was in a better mood than after the Superbowl!

My group project course is going well. Our ethics application has been sent off and next week we'll be practicing running the experiment on each other. We had hoped to get things started a bit earlier but unfortunately some of our equipment wasn't working and we had to send off for some new ones. My other courses have essays and assignments due within the next two weeks so I'm working on getting those done, hopefully before I leave for Paris.

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