Sunday 5 January 2014

Shop Til You Drop

On Thursday Rosanna, Molly, Catherine and I went to Banbury. We went shopping in charity shops, the shopping centre and the high street. I ended up buying another bag to be able to pick all of my things in to bring them back to Edinburgh on the train. I acquired quite a few Christmas presents and didn't pack very lightly to begin with! Rosanna, Catherine and I had a coffee in Nero while Molly went to an eye appointment. It was a really nice and relaxing morning. We also found an awesome sweet shop which had rows of pic n' mix which I couldn't resist.

After lunch at home we went to Blenheim Palace to walk around the gardens there. Though I'm not a huge fan of walking it's always really beautiful there. We had good chats and saw some sheep. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so no photos!

On Friday us four girls went to Oxford. We went shopping again. There were lots of post-Christmas sales and opportunities to spend Christmas money. I bought some pretty notecards so look out for letters in the new year. We had lunch at Wagamama, a noodle place. I had a vegetarian curry with rice. After we were tired of shopping we stumbled upon a little bookshop which also served tea. We each had our own colourful teapot with our choice of tea. I had Earl Grey Blue Lady in a blue teapot. The best part was that we got to choose what mug we wanted! The bookshop was very charming and when Rosanna and Molly bought books the shop owner wrapped them up in cute wrapping paper.

The next day my mum, Catherine and I boarded the train, Catherine and I to Edinburgh and my mum to Yorkshire to stay with friends. Unfortunately there were some delays probably due to flooding but we made it to Edinburgh only an hour late. We had fun playing cards on the train and looking at the sea.

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