Saturday 30 November 2013

Wind Band Christmas Concert

Happy St. Andrew's Day!

Classes are officially over and the study period has begun. I am just finishing up my final assignment, a close reading of 'The Piano Tuner' by Valerie Gillies, for Scottish Literature before starting my rigorous study schedule! My final class of the semester was my Scottish Literature tutorial on Thursday. We sat in our tiny room on the 3rd floor and discussed poetry over bottles of red and white wine provided by our tutorial leader and stopped part way through to admire the beautiful sunset (note: this was between 3 and 4 pm). I've heard of 'write drunk, edit sober' but I wonder what they say about when analyzing poetry? Discussion flowed much more easily thanks to the wine and I left in high spirits, especially because the sun was still setting in beautiful pink and orange as I walked home through The Meadows.

This is where I have tutorial every Thursday

Yesterday I went to Black Medicine Coffee Co with Debra to do work. It was really nice to catch up with her. I wasn't hugely productive, I admit but I did get some work done. I also ordered a delicious fruit scone and when it came to the table I swear the man said "Your scone, Ma'am". This was my first visit to Black Medicine and I am now so disappointed I hadn't gone earlier. It looks tiny from the outside and don't get me wrong it is small but there are two floors of wooden tables with wooden benches, mismatching chairs and stools. The hot chocolate was really nice and all the drinks came with a little biscuit. This may be my new study spot because the best thing about it was that there were loads of outlets!

Fruit scone, butter and jam from Black Medicine Coffee Co

I made a vegetarian chili for dinner which was successful apart from not being spicy enough for my liking. Note to self: add more chili powder next time! Afterwards I went with Erin, Joe, Puck and Puck's mother to see Amelia play her saxophone in the University of Edinburgh Wind Band Christmas Concert. It was so much fun and I really enjoyed the music. Highlights for me were Troika and the The Blue and the Gray by Clare Grundman which had in it the tune my home university, Queen's, uses for our school song. When I heard the tune I felt a surge of Queen's pride and felt ever so slightly compelled to get up and do the dance and sing the lyrics. This isn't surprising as it's so ingrained in us to do so at Queen's, any time you see the signal - someone raising their hand in the air and making circles with their index finger.

Here is a video of Queen's students performing the song (and dance) this year on Move In Day:

After the concert we went to Teviot, the Student Union, and we ordered Winter Warmers from The Library Bar. Amelia and I had mulled cider and Erin had a Hot Toddy. I am definitely getting into the Christmas mood, even though it's not quite December yet! The flat is going to the Christmas Market tomorrow so I'm getting really excited! I'll take my camera, promise!

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