Wednesday 6 November 2013

Remember, Remember The Fifth of November...

Happy Belated Guy Fawkes Day!

I was really excited to celebrate Bonfire Night yesterday as it was the first time I'd celebrate it since moving to Canada in 2003.

I'll explain what Bonfire Night is all about for those of you who might not know. In 1605 a man named Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliament, including the King but he was caught. To celebrate his failure, every year on November 5th people in the UK have fireworks, sparklers and a big bonfire. The most morbid part is that people burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes on the bonfire.

And of course there is the poem:

Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

The movie V for Vendetta is based on Guy Fawkes and the character V wears a Guy Fawkes mask.

My flat and friends made plans to walk up Arthur's Seat to get a good view of the fireworks display. Amelia and Puck made mulled wine and put it into flasks and we also packed some treats. Amelia made some jaw breaking but delicious treacle toffee, I had parkin that my aunt and uncle brought me and Puck made sticky toffee pudding.

We didn't quite make it on time for the big display but we did see a lot of fireworks on our walk. When we got to the bottom of Arthur's Seat we saw people setting off fireworks right in front of us. At one point they started going off in all directions and people were screaming. They were standing very close and we thought they were hurt but it seems they were OK because a minute later they started lighting more! We also saw a group of people with a big fire outside an apartment building, throwing chairs and possibly a tire on. Sadly it was too windy for sparklers.

After the fireworks we went separate ways and I split off with Aidan to go to Malone's for an Exchange 360 party. We met up with Shannon there and had some drinks. They cleared out the bottom floor of the pub for a ceilidh. At first there was no one down there but a group slowly gathered and people started dancing to bagpipe music. It was cool to see a ceilidh in action.

Shannon and I 

Aidan enjoying a Tennent's
Aidan and Shannon at Malone's
Ceilidh gathering a bit of momentum

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