Sunday 24 November 2013

A Happy Birthday

It has certainly been a busy week for me - I celebrated my 21st birthday and went on my first trip outside of the UK since being in Edinburgh.

My birthday party was on Tuesday, strategically planned because I don't have class on Wednesdays. My flatmates surprised me by baking me a cake with 21 candles and singing Happy Birthday to me. They also gave me a present - a tray with a bean bag bottom and Heinz Tomato Soup picture! And made me a sash with "21 Today" on one side and my phone number on the other. We all got doll'd up and walked over to Rose Street together. The plan was to try to complete the Rose Street Challenge which is to have a drink in every pub along Rose Street, a street in the city centre known for having lots of pubs! I regret to inform you that we were not victorious HOWEVER, it was so much fun and I found a few really nice pubs I'd like to go back to. My favourites were probably Dirty Dick's and The Standing Order. Dirty Dick's was cute and cosy and had great decorations of knick knacks all over the walls and ceilings. The Standing Order was huge and very fancy with a high ceiling.

On my actual birthday I woke up to a wonderfully large pile of presents (you can expect thank you emails soon) which I unwrapped in my pajamas. I had bacon and scrambled eggs, toast and coffee before meeting up with Aidan to go to the Edinburgh Zoo. Despite the bus driver missing our stop we made it there and I had such a fun time running around excitedly like a child. We saw lots of different kinds of monkeys, penguins, koalas, sun bears, hippos, wallabys and a tiger. Unfortunately there weren't any meerkats but we booked a special viewing of the pandas and got to see the zookeepers drag lots of bamboo into the male panda's cage and see him searching for fruit amongst his bamboo. Thankfully, we avoided seeing a reptile show where you could touch them if you wanted, yuck! 

After the zoo I was pretty tired, especially because of the last night's adventures. This is truly devastating but... I missed the pub quiz! I am ashamed but I did go out for a nice Italian dinner at one of the places I went with my Auntie Valerie and Uncle Adrian when they came to visit. I had a delicious Lasagne Al Forno and we picked up some vanilla ice cream and raspberries to have for dessert. 

Before I came to Edinburgh I wondered what my birthday would be like this year since I didn't know anyone else here but it was absolutely wonderful. It was so nice of everyone to wish me happy birthday or to come to my party and celebrate with me! I also had lots of presents and cards from family and friends which made me feel like they were nearby as well!

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