Saturday 16 November 2013

Triumph and Trainspotting

This Wednesday I went to The Golf Tavern for the pub quiz as per usual. Unfortunately no one could come except for Aidan and I so the bar staff and a table of two girls were helping us with some of the questions. Every week a team is awarded two free pizzas for having the best team name and every week we have failed. Buuuuut this week WE WON for our team name - "Our Drinking Team Has a Pub Quiz Problem". Two boys I knew from my residence showed up shortly after and joined our team which was great. Despite a rocky start we ended up getting 40/60 which isn't too bad - especially considering the first round was Sports and I had no clue!

On Thursday I did some shopping to get an outfit for my birthday party and came home with a dress and shoes. The party is on Tuesday and I'm starting to get really excited! I'm not sure what I've got planned for my actual birthday on Wednesday but I'm considering going to the zoo and out for dinner. I've got a nice pile of presents and cards that have been arriving in the post as well - thank you!

Last night I went to a movie night hosted by the boys' flat. We watched Trainspotting, a Scottish film about heroin addiction. I thought it was really good, despite the scenes when they were injecting needles into their arms, yuck. They filmed parts of it in Edinburgh and it was really awesome to recognize parts of Princes Street. After the movie we had our own pub quiz with one of the boys as quiz master and went to The Golf Tavern for a pint before closing. There was live music at the beginning which was awesome. It was really nice to hang out with the group all together like that.

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