Friday 27 September 2013

Literature and Coffee Shops

There hasn't been any major event to write about this past week. I've just been going about the activities of day-to-day life. I suppose that this is, in it's own way, kind of exciting since it means I am settling into my life here in Edinburgh.

The weekend seemed to go by quite quickly and all of a sudden it was back to school and back to readings. I have decided to drop my British History course (I know, I know) and have filled the spot in my timetable with Scottish Literature. I thought that if I was going to be spending so much time and effort on an outside subject, I may as well be reading novels in a comfy armchair in a coffee shop! On my reading list are novellas by Muriel Spark, Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Beckett's Waiting for Godot, poetry by Burns and lots more. And what better city to study Scottish Literature in! Edinburgh is a UNESCO City of Literature and is home to the residences and writing places of many famous authors. J. K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books in The Elephant House cafe which is a 20 minute walk from my house.

My flatmates and I chipped in together to buy Cluedo (Clue) from a local charity shop. We played that and also the game where you have a name of a famous person on your forehead and you have to guess who it is by asking yes/no questions. There was a slight cultural divide in knowing who certain people were. I remember this happening when my family first moved to Canada and we didn't know who Wayne Gretzky was. Four of us went to a flat party yesterday at one of the other residences. I am glad that our flat is still able to spend time together and bond despite school starting and us all having different schedules.

I have really been enjoying finding new spots to eat and drink in Edinburgh. My new favourite place to get coffee is Victor Hugo Delicatessen on Melville Terrace. They have lots of different cheeses, pastries, quiches and salads. I have to admit I've got an almond croissant and a latte from there twice already! My friend and I were really impressed when our barista drew a dragon into the foam on his coffee. I took a photo with my phone but haven't figured out how to upload them yet! Today I tried a new Indian place called Mosque Kitchen. I had the Chana Masala (chickpea curry) with a samosa. Will definitely be going here again.

Victor Hugo Delicatessen 
Yesterday my personal tutor set up a meet and greet for exchange students in Psychology. He led us on a short tour in and around the George Square campus area and then we went to Teviot for drinks. It was so nice to meet upper years in my program. I went along with my friend Debra who goes to Queen's. She and I met people from Australia, the Dominican Republic, America and Pakistan/England. We sat out on the patio of The Library Bar and chatted about our courses, our future plans in psychology and our travel plans for the year. I am really glad that Dr. Lee set it up.

Tomorrow I am going on the International Student Centre's trip to Stirling Castle and Linlithgow Palace. No doubt a blog post will follow soon.

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