Monday 9 September 2013

Exploring Edinburgh

Before I got to Edinburgh I spent a lot of time on Google Maps trying to familiarize myself with the area and so far it has proved fairly useful. I managed to find my way to George Square yesterday morning for a visiting students talk. George Square is the main campus and is where all my classes will be held. Just opposite I found a little Sainsbury’s (grocery store) and had a great time picking out all my favourite British food: Branston pickle, salad cream and Heinz tomato soup. I’m pretty sure my flatmates think I’m crazy because I think a cheap can of tomato soup is God’s gift to mankind!

I’m living in a little house with five other girls. Three are Scottish, one is English and one is Dutch and has lived in London, Zurich and Geneva. They’re all really friendly and I’ve been spending most of my time with them.

In the afternoon two of my flatmates and I were hoping to go on an underground tour but it was fully booked so we just ended up wandering around the city. We went to Greyfriars Kirkyard, a graveyard with lots of spooky crypts where they hold ghost tours that apparently “cause genuine emotional and mental distress”. One of my flatmates is really keen to go on one but I don’t think I’d be able to sleep for the rest of the year. We walked on to Princes Street (the main shopping street) passing by the Royal Mile, quite a few places selling tweed suits and whisky and also several tackier tourist shops selling kilts, postcards and tartan everything. I stayed out to buy some essentials and to look at phone plans while the other two went back to the flat. I thought I knew my way back but I must have made a wrong turn somewhere because I ended up completely lost. I had to ask for directions because I didn’t want to be late for our residence meeting and met two really nice guys from Aberdeen who were heading the same way.

Last night our flat went out to the James Bond theme party at Potterow (the student centre). By the time we got there the queue was never-ending and a Fresher’s (Frosh) Week volunteer told us it was at capacity. It’s a small world because it turned out he had just come back from being on exchange at Queen’s University! We talked to him for quite a long time before heading back home where we met someone from our block and his friend. They came in for a chat and us girls had tea before going to bed. Despite not getting in to the actual event I had a really good night chatting with some of my flat mates and meeting people.

Today I slept in and in the morning (well, afternoon really) one of my Scottish flatmates made me slice, also called square sausage, which was exactly that – a square patty-like sausage with bread and HP sauce. It was delicious and definitely the kind of thing to eat after a night out. We went over to Potterow to try to book tickets for different events going on today but they were all fully booked again. Apparently early birds get the worm at Edinburgh Fresher’s Week! We went to a trade fair which is a bit like the Sidewalk Sale at Queen’s and to the poster sale. My bedroom looks much more home-y now that I've put up my new poster and all my photos.

Tonight my flat is heading out early to make sure we get into the Caribbean theme party. Should be great fun. Tomorrow I've got several academic meetings to go to and I might try to do some tours of the main campus and library if they're on.

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