Sunday 15 September 2013

Arthur's Seat

Exchange 360 is the University of Edinburgh’s club for current and returning exchange students that runs events throughout the year. Yesterday I joined them on a walk up Arthur’s Seat, an extinct volcano that you can see from almost anywhere in the city. I went with my friend Shannon who I met through a Facebook group for Queen’s students studying in Edinburgh this year. So far I have been spending all my time with my flat mates which has been great but it is also nice to have friends who are also here on exchange.

The walk up was harder and steeper than I thought but it was definitely worth it for the view. We really lucked out and it was a beautifully clear day. After we made the way back down we decided that we’d definitely earned ourselves a pint or two in the nearest pub. We ended up going to a pub in one of the university buildings and had lunch and a pint of cider with some American girls and  a Canadian we’d met from the walk.

We planned a potluck dinner at Shannon’s flat and invited some Queen’s students. We made meatballs, pasta and a cauliflower dish with lemon pie for dessert. It was lovely to meet up with them and to talk about home. We had pre-drinks with another flat in the block and then went out.

Today we’re all just having a lazy Sunday to recover from Fresher’s Week. I already have lecture notes posted online for my statistics class which is a bit depressing but I’ll be glad to have routine again.

At the bottom

Exchange 360 at the top

Shannon and I out at Potterow

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