Monday 14 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick one today to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends and family! Fall is my favourite season. I love chunky wool cardigan and boots weather, sipping hot apple cider or pumpkin spiced lattes and wading through the colourful fallen leaves. I am missing Canada but am living vicariously through everyone's photographs on Facebook. And of course I am very thankful to be in Edinburgh!

Tonight I went to a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner hosted by the International Student Centre. We had chicken instead of turkey and apple or cherry pie instead of pumpkin due to the difficulty of finding these in Scotland in October. This suited me quite well though as I've never really been a fan of turkey or pumpkin pie! We also had mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, mashed turnip, stuffing, garlic bread, a chicken and pasta dish, ribs and ice cream.

Tomorrow I'm planning on making a fall casserole of butternut squash, sweet potato, brown sugar, dried cranberries and pecans. With brussel sprouts of course!

I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend!

P.S. I have signed up to go on a trip this Saturday to Alnwick Castle, the castle where parts of the Harry Potter movies were filmed!

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