Tuesday 29 October 2013

From A to Zedd

On Friday night I took a train to Glasgow to see Zedd in concert at The Arches. The venue was really awesome. It looked like an underground train station and was big enough that there was room to take a break and breathe between dancing. I'm normally much more of a pub person, so much so that I hadn't been to a club in Scotland yet but it was so much fun. I was amazed at how different it is here compared to Canada. People were so polite! I was apologized to several times when people accidentally jostled me or had to move past. Everyone was just really into the music and having a great time.We stayed overnight in a hostel and spent the morning exploring a bit of Glasgow before heading home on the train.

Dante, Marie, Micaela, Aidan and I at the Zedd concert
Photo Credit: Dante
On Saturday afternoon my Auntie Valerie and Uncle Adrian arrived in Edinburgh. We had a cup of tea and they met some of my flatmates. We strolled around The Meadows and stopped in at The Golf Tavern for a drink before going to dinner at The Apartment, a really nice restaurant near me where we had a delicious meal. The next day we went to Princes Street and explored Jenners, an old fashioned department store and walked along Rose Street. We went up to Calton Hill and had fantastic views over the city. We stayed out of the rain in The Edinburgh Bookshop and in a lovely German cafe. It was really nice to see my aunt and uncle to have them visit me in Edinburgh. I'm looking forward to seeing my Grandma and Auntie Joanne who are coming to visit me in November.

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