Monday 24 March 2014

Uncle Keith's Visit

Last weekend my Uncle Keith came to visit me in Edinburgh from Somerset. We met up on Saturday afternoon at Waverley station and had coffee and a catch up in the Costa there. We decided to walk up Calton Hill and look at the monuments and see the views over the city. Afterwards we walked along the Royal Mile. We tried to go inside St. Giles' Cathedral (mostly for the toilets) but it was closed. We went inside Deacon Brodie's Tavern (something from bucket list) and had a pint there. It was St. Paddy's Day weekend and there was a Six Nations game on so it was quite busy with people celebrating. Deacon Brodie was a cabinet-maker who led a double life as a thief but was caught and hung. My tutorial leader for Scottish Literature told us that he built the first gallows in Edinburgh and was hung on the very same ones. We walked up to Edinburgh Castle and looked down over the Grassmarket where we had dinner in an Italian restaurant called Gennaro's where I went with Grandma and Auntie Joanne on their visit. 

The next day we met up outside the Surgeon's Museum and walked down Nicholson Street to Holyrood Park where we managed to scale Arthur's Seat. It was very windy up there but the view was great. We had lunch in a little cafe and then I showed Uncle Keith the University of Edinburgh including the building where I have my lectures and the Student Union. We walked back through the Meadows the way that I walk to and from classes and I showed Uncle Keith my house. I was excited to show him the Golf Tavern where we went for a pint before heading to Greyfriar's Kirkyard. I love the gravestones there because they're so gothic and scary looking but also beautiful. We saw Greyfriar's Bobby's gravestone and the sticks that people leave beside it. We took a photo of Bobby's Bar and the statue of the dog. I felt slightly offended when a man walking past said "It's only a dog!". There's no harm in being a silly tourist every now and again! We had dinner in Mum's Comfort Food that evening and Uncle Keith had haggis, neeps and tatties. I opted for something a bit less Scottish but I was impressed with his choice! 

Unfortunately I did not remember to bring my camera on either day which is why this post has no photos but perhaps I will be able to persuade Uncle Keith to send me his!

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